Diverge to Converge


Resist the temptation to judge or close down new possibilities

In changeable environments, one of the most valuable adaptive leadership skills is the ability to shift between divergent and convergent thinking.

Whether you’re leading a group discussion or solving a problem on your own, divergent thinking opens our minds up to greater possibilities. Powerful new ideas from others that our own perspective can make us blind to.

Convergent thinking then narrows our focus. Preventing overwhelm, while converging the energy of yourself and those around you in the chosen direction.

Both are critical.

The key is knowing when to shift mode. Moving forward collaboratively, while avoiding the energy dissipation of decision by committee.

How? Hold strong ideas lightly – knowing that you can return to your own perspective and beliefs in an instant. Resisting the temptation to judge or close down new possibilities too early.

Just like gravity, strong ideas are a powerful force.


Unlike gravity,

moving upwards requires letting



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