


If you think it won’t impact your job, think again.


Now that our machines can creatively write, what does this mean for your year ahead? The change is extraordinary… and ordinary. Both revolutionary and evolutionary.

If you think it won’t impact your job, think again.

If you fear that a machine might replace you, relax.

Just as a calculator isn’t a mathematician, an analyst or data scientist, the advances of AI – Augmented Intelligence – and technology in general, replaces tasks not jobs. Meaning that as they always have, our jobs will continue to change and evolve. Requiring each of us to develop new skills – looking after the wellbeing of our teams and whānau by adapting as our workplaces change around us.

Generative AI like ChatGPT and Bard can construct very useful sentences – using large language models that intelligently learn what word to write... next. However they can’t think. Or care. Like we can.

As long as you give yourself space to think. To better understand the changes going on around you. Guiding others forward. Investing time to intelligently adapt.

Chatting about the future that’s arrived.



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Generating the Future


Augment Your Intelligence