Natural Intelligence



As unnatural – or wrong – as this workplace evolution might feel, in many ways it is nothing new.


What are you thinking?

More to the point how are you thinking?

“Let’s have a brainstorm.”

What does this mean to you? Does it mean getting together with other people to generate new ideas? Or does it mean getting together with a machine to generate new ideas? Or both?

As unnatural – or wrong – as this workplace evolution might feel, in many ways it is nothing new. Right now you and I are using technology to connect our minds and expand our thinking. So adding AI into the mix to augment our thinking is just another technological step in advancing new collaborative ways of working.

Whenever someone invents technology to automate a human task, someone else invents something new for us to do – from reading emails to collaborating in online meetings. The evolutionary challenge is that these changes are not seamless, with some leaders and teams navigating the change while others become displaced.

So how do we better navigate the workplace disruptions ahead?

No-one has all the answers. Human or machine.

But together we can make far more sense of the changes going on all around us. Guiding ourselves and others forward.

With that in mind, over the next few months our free Futurist Hour series will be focused on the research topic of our next book:

Natural Intelligence.



Ready to guide yourself and others forward?

Gain a fresh perspective on current events by joining our Futurist Hour: Natural Intelligence series for an energising and inspiring look at the future


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