Look Back to Move Forward



Don't fall into the trap of simply having a strategy day.


When facilitating strategy, I used to begin by focusing on what the group wanted to achieve.

At a logical level it made perfect sense. Begin with the end in mind. Strategy is a plan of action to achieve major aims – so start by getting clear on your strategic goals.

However at an emotive level, a competing dynamic is at play. Which if you’re not careful will hold you back rather than move you forward…

Frequently a group’s energy and enthusiasm for transformative strategies are low, having already experienced significant personal change and uncertainty. Resulting in a pervasive sense of change weariness – and as a result change wariness.

So how can you shift that dynamic?

Look back to move forward. Begin by asking everyone to reflect on a change in the year past that they are proud of or inspired by.

While our future might be uncertain, the past is far more certain. Providing stability and a strong foundation to elevate from.

Ask people to share with each other – giving everyone a voice and managing the time needed by breaking out for these discussions. Potentially as walking meets for stronger connections and understanding.

Then regroup to visually map these accomplishments as a team, creating momentum and energy by seeing the progress collectively achieved.

Remember strategy is a process not a one-off event. Meaning don’t fall into the trap of simply having a strategy day. Being strategic for just a day – when the real need in changeable environments is to operate strategically every day.

Shift this dynamic by thinking about the cadence of your strategy meetings, making far greater use of the space between.

For example towards the end of the year energise and inspire for the year ahead with team visioning, so that your new year planning isn’t from a standing start. The aim should be that the team is excited by where you’re heading, inspired to return refreshed and ready to strategise how best to get there.

Inspired by opportunities ahead.

Connected by new possibilities.

Energised by the space




Prefer to more actively engage in your strategy conversations rather than leading the room?

From end-of-year team visioning to new year strategic planning we expertly facilitate groups forward


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