New Leadership Competencies



... machines are joining our conversations, reframing ... strategic possibilities ...


No one likes to feel incompetent.

Yet it’s impossible to be competent…

At everything.

So where best to focus your energy – and the energy of others?

To be highly skilled at some things, requires being consciously incompetent with other things. The problem is when we decide to remain unskilled in new evolving areas of competency, while the future of work has other plans for us.

Do all leaders now need to become prompt engineers… or even prompt whisperers… able to competently guide their AIs forward in the same way they can confidently guide their people forward?

Elevating our thinking up to a systems level suggests perhaps not. However the same strategic perspective also gives a clearer view of the shifting conditions ahead. That we will be navigating our way forward through an increasing volume of content noise – some of it generated by people, some of it by automated bots, and much of it an augmented blend between.

The sceptics will say, no machine can ever write the way I can. The future thinkers will explore and consider more deeply the strategic possibilities and implications of this new world of work.

Meanwhile machines are joining our conversations, reframing for us that [tone:professional] the sceptics will argue that no machine can ever write with the same level of proficiency, [tone:casual] as future thinkers dive into the strategic possibilities of the new working world.

Being an authentic leader is a time-honoured tradition.

But what about this new direction of being an authenticating leader?

Better able to discern signal from noise.

Guiding your energy and the attention of others, to where it matters.




So what does this mean for the year ahead?

From Futures Thinking Masterclasses to Leadership Programmes our development approach equips leaders and teams to rapidly and confidently adapt in fast-changing environments.


Look Back to Move Forward


Transform Uncertainty